AMPULA Supports: Denim Day LA
During a recent walk through the Hollywood Farmer's market, I saw a sign advertising 'Denim Day LA'. 'Denim Day LA' is a Sexual Violence prevention effort taking place in LA on April 19th. I will be supporting 'Denim Day LA' and encourage other Ampulites to as well.
Visit the website at:
Here's some more info:
Statistics about Rape and Sexual Assault 2006
Every two and a half minutes, somewhere in America, someone is sexually assaulted (, 2002 National Crime Victimization Survey, USDOJ)
One in six American women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape, and 10% of sexual assault victims are men. (, 2002 National Crime Victimization Survey, USDOJ)
2 million children are forced into prostitution every year. Half of them live in Asia. (, 2005)
About 44% of rape victims are under age 18, and 80% are under age 30. (
According to the Los Angeles Police Department, there were 1,117 rapes during the year 2003, with only 260 rape suspects arrested. (
29% of all forcible rapes occur when the victims are less than age 11. (CALCASA 2005 Research on Rape and Violence Report)
Law enforcement arrests for internet sex crimes against minors are on the rise. (, N-JOV Study 2006)
15,000 to 19,000 people with developmental disabilities are raped each year in North America. (CALCASA 2005 Research on Rape and Violence Report)
It costs the nation over $127 billion a year to prosecute abusers and care for rape victims. (January 1996, Miller, Ted, et al, Victims Costs & Consequences: A New Look, USDOJ)
Around the world, at least 1 in every 3 women has been beaten, coerced into sex, or otherwise abused in her lifetime. Most often the abuser is a member of her own family. (Population Reports: Ending Violence Against Women, 2000).
82.8% of rapes committed by an intimate are not reported to the police. (Tjaden and Thonnes, 2000. National Violence Against Women Survey – USDOJ)
60% of all married women will experience battering in some time in their lives. (CALCASA 2005 Research on Rape and Violence Report)
Domestic Abuse costs businesses an estimated $5 billion annually in absenteeism and hundreds of million of dollars in abuse-related medical bills. (CALCASA 2005 Research on Rape and Violence Report)
35 of every 1,000 women who attend colleges or universities experience an attempted or completed rape each year. This means that a campus with 10,000 female college students might expect that 350 of them would be raped during a single school year. (Fisher, Bonnie S., 2000. The Sexual Victimization of College Women, U.S. Dept. Of Justice.)
35% of college men who voluntarily participated in psychological research conducted at several universities indicated they might commit a rape if they knew they could get away with it. (Bokmer, C. and Parrot, A. (1993). Sexual Assault on Campus: The Problem and the Solution.)
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