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Ampula: Have you checked in today

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Have you checked in today

Ignore the bloggers feeding you the latest celebrity gossip;
your brain does not need bubble gum.

Steer clear of CNN, FOX or CBS and unobjective reporting on the murderous occupation in Iraq by the USA, UK and South Korea;
your intellect and heart does not need to be lied to.

Pass by those shopping malls, stores, botiques that promise to have just the right gift for you, or your close ones, or your co-worker;
it's your words they'll recall.

Obsess not about those things that you wish you had. Things your heart or mind or soul or that invisible implant from your culture (consumerism),
keep reminding you in some way you need.

Distraction is yet another division of us from genuinely connecting with ourselves or each other or nature.

If I love 1 person or thing and
receive that in return;
my success has been counted.



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This Is My Life, Rated
Life: 8.1
Mind: 8.9
Body: 8.4
Spirit: 9.1
Friends/Family: 6
Love: 8.5
Finance: 7.2
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