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Ampula: AMPULA: Reader's Write/Create

Friday, September 16, 2005

AMPULA: Reader's Write/Create

Hello fellow Ampulites!!!

Now is the time to expand the framework of this blog, with the intention that it begins to take on the life of a community that reads, contributes and hopefully finds comfort & inspiration in doing so.

The topic for this month's Reader's Write is: Taking a Stand.

If you'd like to get a headstart, next month's topic is Waking Up.

A few guidelines on submitting your contributions:

READERS WRITE asks you to address subjects on which YOU are the only authority.
Topics are intentionally broad in order to give room for expression. Writing style and experience isn’t as important as thoughtfulness and sincerity.

Ampula seeks only nonfiction contributions to Readers Write. Feel free to submit your work under “Name Withheld” if it allows you to be more honest. Occasionally Ampula may choose not to publish an author’s name, or will use only a first name and last initial. While Ampula does not question the truthfulness of the writing, we must be sensitive to considerations of libel or invasion of privacy. If you’ve already changed the names of the people involved, please say so.

Send your typed, double-spaced submissions to


Ampula looks forward to receiving your submissions on 'Taking a Stand'.


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This Is My Life, Rated
Life: 8.1
Mind: 8.9
Body: 8.4
Spirit: 9.1
Friends/Family: 6
Love: 8.5
Finance: 7.2
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